Monday, May 25, 2009

Chalbury Photos and Website matters.

Chalbury Church 24 05 2009Thank you Robin,

For taking, then forwarding the photographs. It was extremely thoughtful too. Thank you. I will request higher resolution files when I'm certain of which ones we're to include.

The photos of the congregation in which most are looking up at the camera and smiling are most useful I feel. We want our Benefice website to be inviting and welcoming to new comers, as indeed it is. The Mosaic is a splendid idea, although 2 panels are almost identical.

May I use my discretion and add photos to the site?
Shall I add them as they are available or put to one side until we agree a way of including them?
I noticed there to be flyers inviting people to join the choir, shall I add a page for this on the site? If yes, may I please have the original file for the flyer.
Shall I include images of churchwardens on the Who's who page? Beginning with Trish and Ian or wait until we have a full set?

I suggest that we use a forum to discuss web site matters at: where one can post comments and add discussions.

E-mails which are addressed to Multiple Recipients present security risks from 'phising' and 'spammers' and I recommend that e-mails are only sent to one or 2 recipients as good practice. A 'blog' (e.g. Blogspot) or 'micro-blog' (e.g. Twitter) offers better security and access opportunities, offering access on mobile phones etc.

For making more specific announcements, use the website or As administrator of that blog (at the moment) I can add anyone as a contributor by 'inviting' you. All I need is an e-mail address for you and I then send you an invitation. If you need any help with such matters, contact me via e-mail or telephone.

Photos are being hosted and shared at an ourbenefice Flickr account: and also on my Flickr Pro account.

I am maintaining an information page which is NOT linked to the main site but a part of it at:

Visit any of the links contained in this e-mail to amplify your knowledge if you so wish.

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